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This article examines the relative effects of store traffic and customer traffic flow on shopper spending in a single study. An analysis of Croatian hypermarket survey data indicates that store traffic alone does not adequately explain shopper spending. Instead, gross customer traffic flow and realized customer traffic flow are stronger drivers of money spent. The article contributes to the retailing literature by clarifying the respective roles of store traffic and customer traffic flow. Recognizing the greater revenue-generating effect of in-store traffic flow, retailers should better design their store layout and merchandizing strategies to optimize traffic movement and boost store performance.  相似文献   
It has been common for retail companies to use multiple channels simultaneously. However, simultaneous use is only the first step in creating a customer-centric multichannel system that demands channel synergies rather than parallel retail formats. Therefore, the perceived integration of customer-related functions and processes between the channels of multichannel systems is analyzed with respect to its significance for customer loyalty and usage of a multichannel system. Drawing on a sample (n) of 981 customers, the results indicate that linkages between retail channels positively affect customer loyalty and verify the importance of establishing a well-integrated – ‘seamless’ as perceived by the customer – multichannel system.  相似文献   

This paper uses problematic integration theory to assess destination online promotional activities often used to influence consumer travel purchase behavior. The model of destination online promotion activities assessment focuses on the link between consumers' online brand preference drivers (differentiation, quality, and value) and online market data (price, distribution, Web presence, promotions, direct online communication tool, and ad identification). The model is tested using the case of Australia (www.australia.com) and their efforts to attract a U.S. market. The study found Australia.com is a well-designed travel guide that provides information and emphasizes its aesthetic aspects. However, the Website's interactive aspects could be improved. By assessing destination online promotional activities, destination marketing organizations may be able to reduce underlying uncertainty regarding the destination and more clearly address the needs of their target markets.  相似文献   
This study documented consumer complaint behavior in hotel restaurants in two diverse cosmopolitan cities, Hong Kong, SAR and Houston, USA. It was found that in the area of food and beverage attributes, the Hong Kong group rated tastiness, temperature and freshness less important to make a complaint about the Houston group. As for service, service efficiency, greetings, attentiveness and helpfulness were rated differently, with the Hong Kong group rated “greetings” higher than the Houston counterparts. Regarding atmospherics, the two groups were most alike, though the Hong Kong group would be more likely to complain about the noise level while the Houston group, temperature and décor of hotel restaurants.  相似文献   
The senior travel market has become an increasingly important area of interest to travel agents. This study examines senior travellers based on their travel experience, behavior, and overall experience on visiting Thailand, in terms of their age, marital status, and education. In this study, a sample of 384 senior foreign tourists responded to a survey carried out at the Bangkok International airport. Seniors are shown not to be a uniform conservative market, which has implications for product development. Profiles differed in the priority attached to travel experience factored into health, safety, language, itineraries, and general conditions in connection with travel. Travel behavior of seniors also differs in terms of types of tour, lodging preference, outdoor activity, mode of transportation, type of information used, and people travelled with. Recommendations based on these findings have strategic implications for travel companies and travel organizers.  相似文献   
葛继红 《改革》2012,(3):84-89
利用江苏364份农民文化消费微观调查数据,实证分析农民收入对文化消费支出的影响。研究结果表明:农民消费类文化活动和免费文化活动并举,共同构成农民文化生活的重要组成部分。农民收入水平是影响农民文化消费的重要因素,家庭人均收入和农民对家庭收入自我评价对农民文化消费有显著正影响,农业收入比重对农民文化消费有显著负影响;收入变量对高收入组农民文化消费影响程度要明显高于中收入组,对低收入组农民文化消费没有显著影响,说明农民文化消费具有一定的收入门槛。  相似文献   
王莉红 《特区经济》2012,(2):299-301
本文的研究过程中,重点从市场中的信息不对称问题出发,针对不同的债务限期结构对企业投资行为产生的影响做出了研究。通过对国内外专家学者形成的研究成果为基础,深入地研究了债务限期结构对企业的实际投资行为产生的影响,同时也对这一领域的研究方向做出了展望。  相似文献   
汪群  周建龙 《特区经济》2012,(5):293-295
借鉴国内外有关行为财务理论及实证研究成果,笔者以安徽省近年来实力较强的500家民营企业的投融资行为作为研究样本,着重从民营企业管理者"过度自信"心理方面入手,用实证研究的方法探索民营企业在进行投融资决策时所受到的非理性因素干扰的情况。通过本课题的研究,希望在一定程度上解决民营企业投融资行为"实际是什么"的问题,从而使我国的民营企业能够从发展历程中汲取经验和教训,在投融资决策中克服盲目和冲动情绪,努力减少由于非理性因素的干扰而导致的盲目融资和过度投资的行为,尽量避免或减少投资失败和财务困境。  相似文献   
农业生产以家庭经营为基础是其自身的特殊性所决定的,家庭农场则是引领适度规模经营、发展现代农业的新型农业经营主体。我国家庭农场发展还处于初级阶段,需要较先进的家庭农场发挥示范作用,进而带动家庭农场整体的高质量发展。自2013年中央一号文件发布以来,各地相继出台了示范家庭农场认定文件,但鲜有文献对这些文件中示范家庭农场认定标准的科学性和有效性进行探讨。本文收集了21个省级和31个市级示范家庭农场认定文件,对其提出的示范家庭农场评定条件和要求进行梳理和比较,发现这些认定标准大多存在以下问题:(1)具体要求与定义性规定脱节,不利于评选出真正的示范家庭农场。比如,没有相应的量化指标来保证“以农业收入为主”和“以家庭成员为主要劳动力”的规定性,对经营规模大多只有下限要求、没有上限要求,可能把从事非农生产的经营主体、专业大户和公司性农场等评为示范家庭农场。(2)认定标准过低,示范家庭农场先进性不足不利于示范作用的发挥。例如,未对农场主的年龄、文化程度、经营经验以及农场的新技术采用和机械化水平等提出要求。(3)省级标准与市级标准没有拉开档次,不利于促进不同发展层次家庭农场的高质量发展。除了在经营面积上省级要求明显高于市级要求外,其他评定条件和要求的省级标准与市级标准差别不大。(4)认定标准中生态绩效指标太少,不利于新时代家庭农场的绿色发展。虽然有些示范家庭农场认定文件提出了“三品一标”的要求,但在绿色环保方面的要求过低,不能满足农业绿色发展的时代要求。目前,各地示范家庭农场认定标准存在的问题与我国家庭农场发展时间短、整体水平不高有关,但示范家庭农场的评选应该着眼于示范性和引领性,而不是照顾大多数。目前,有些地方的做法(如江苏省)值得借鉴。 建议:对示范家庭农场的农业收入比重、家庭成员参与农场经营人数、雇工比例等有一个明确的量的要求,并规定经营规模的上限;适当提高示范家庭农场认定的门槛条件,例如,农场主的年龄要在55岁以下、文化程度要在中专和高中以上,近三年至少使用一项以上新技术等;大幅度提高省级示范家庭农场认定标准,与市级标准明显拉开档次;增加生态绩效方面的要求,例如,把化肥农药使用强度、有机肥利用率等纳入示范家庭农场的认定条件。  相似文献   
在资本市场中,公司与其对手为获得更低的资本成本展开竞争。为了达成目标,公司都尝试采用新的信息技术来提高信息披露的透明度。扩展组织"创新接受"理论的内容并整合影响实时财务报告技术采纳和资本成本的主要因素,利用数学模型建构两者之间的约束关系,结果发现,资本成本的节省、不确定性、风险规避、交易、转换成本以及公司治理政策等都对公司何时以及是否采纳实时财务报告技术产生影响。  相似文献   
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